CSS veb-texnologiyasini o'rganish uchun eng yaxshi joy.

Mavzular kerakli ketma-ketlikda joylashtirilib, sodda uslubda tushuntirilgan.

  • +50 Mavzular o'rganishga qulay tartibda
  • Chiroyli and Tushunarli veb-qo'llanma
  • Misollar bilan tushuntirilgan
  • Eng so'nggi ma'lumotlar bilan doimiy yangilanadi
  • Veb-sayt tuzishdagi qo'shimcha ko'nikmalar
  • Ba'zi veb-saylar tuzilishi to'liq qamragan darslar
$npx nuxi@latest init -t themes/docus$cd docs$npm install$npm run dev
Click to copy

Qo'llanmaning afzalliklari

Nuxt Architecture

Harness the full power of Nuxt 3 and its modules ecosystem.

Nuxt Studio ready

Edit your theme content and appearance with live-preview within Nuxt Studio.

Vue Components

Use built-in components (or your own!) inside your content.

Write Markdown

Enjoy the ease and simplicity of Markdown and discover MDC syntax.

Deploy anywhere

Zero config on Vercel or Netlify. Choose between static generation, on-demand rendering (Node) or edge-side rendering on CloudFlare workers.


Customize the whole design, or add components using slots - you can make Docus your own.